Did you know? It’s easier to practice gratitude if you have a buddy to do it with

Just as you may be more likely to exercise if you have an exercise partner or participate in a class, you may be able to maintain the discipline of gratitude more easily if you have a partner with whom to share gratitude lists and to discuss the effects of gratitude in your life.

Robert Emmons and his colleagues at the University of California at Davis are pioneers in research on gratitude, part of a larger movement called positive psychology. They found that keeping a daily gratitude journal can increase feelings of happiness, optimism, and satisfaction with life.

If you want to increase gratitude in your life, try keeping a daily gratitude journal, using visual reminders, making a public commitment, changing your self-talk and finding a gratitude partner. “If we choose to associate with more grateful individuals, the influence will be in another direction. Find a grateful person and spend more time with (them).”

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Grateful In April