4. Did you know... Grateful teens are likely to be well-behaved at school

Did you know? Grateful teens are likely to be well behaved at school

This article from Verywell Mind explores how grateful kids are more satisfied with their lives, use their strengths to improve their communities, are more engaged in their schoolwork and hobbies – and have better overall wellbeing.

Teaching children gratitude is an essential lesson to instil at an early age, with research showing links between gratitude and happiness in children as young as age five. Grateful children tend to be happier, more optimistic, have better social support and are more satisfied with their lives.

Encouraging children to say thank you and writing thank-you notes are essential first steps in this process. Asking gratitude questions that foster a deeper sense of gratitude is also beneficial. As a parent, focusing on all four gratitude components of noticing, thinking, feeling and doing can help cultivate gratitude in children and have positive effects on their overall wellbeing.

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Grateful In April