Bec Derrington

Grateful people - Bec Derrington

Founder – SourceBottle

I’m so grateful I signed up to Grateful in April this year and received my daily reminder of all the wonderful things (both big and small) to be grateful for. Just the simple process of acknowledging all the good around me definitely gave me a more positive outlook, which no doubt has helped me judge situations and people in a better light.

See? It’s a dead simple concept that’s super effective at getting us all to take stock of all the good in our lives and to pass the feeling on, and m.a.d.woman founder and Grateful in April brainchild, Melina Schamroth, deserves to be congratulated for helping us to cultivate this ‘warm and fuzzy’ feeling on a global scale.

So until next year, bear hugs to you Melina. I only hope I can maintain this ‘tude for the next 11 months. 🙂


Grateful In April